Last month, some communities that were concerned about education, especially non formal education, held a talkshow at the Aksera office in Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya. The formation of the education forum aimed to fortify one another and foster a shared passion for learning through collaborative training, public debates, workshops, and other activities.
The first education talk show is held by the education forum with the theme “the importance of the principles of value-based education in the digital era”.
There were three speakers on that talk show. The first speaker was Christopher Adi, Surabaya State University. The second speaker was Zulfin Rachma Mufidah, M.Pd. from PGSD lecturer Surabaya State University (Unesa). The last speaker was Abodel Semut from Sanggar Omah Nduwur.
The talk show said, “In the midst of the increasingly massive onslaught of modernization, digitalization, and globalization, the distribution and exchange of culture are getting smaller and smaller to be avoided. Education is the foundation for being able to survive in the complexity of culture, so equitable and inclusive value-based education is really needed in order to continue to have a capable generation. Intellectually, they are also personally capable, namely a person who always carries out noble character by having the qualities of tolerance, mutual respect, and responsibility, including towards the environment by preserving nature so that the balance of the ecosystem is maintained”. (Mahrawi)