Stop insecure! You are talented

Dance Performance on National Children’s Day 2024

Sanggar Merah Merdeka held National Children’s Day on July 27, 2024. The event carried the theme “Stop insecure! You are talented. The message that wanted to be conveyed from the theme of National Children’s Day was that there are still many children in Sanggar and Indonesia who felt insecure and embarrassed to develop their potential. Through the moment of National Children’s Day, all children and adolescents are supposed to express themselves fully, diligently study, and develop their potential skills.

The children of SMM and Indonesia are talented and confident if they are facilitated and supported by all people. It is proven that Indonesian children, especially SMM children, have an extraordinary talent because they could organize art performances and an extraordinary children’s day that they prepared themselves for. The committee members were children who was still teenagers. They trained in all art performances and national children’s day activities. Children aged 5–12 years old and early childhood classes, Akar, Tunas, Melati, and Dahlia, appeared with joy. They performanced Nusantara dance, Manuk Dadali, Biri-Biri upin-ipin drama and etc.

Related article: Melatih Diri di Bulan Mei

English Speech by Chanza from SMM Lebak on Children’s Day 2024

Qaireen said in her speech, “There are so many children’s rights that have to be fulfilled and talents that need to be developed. On Children’s Day 2024, we take the theme. Stop insecure! You are talented. Why did we choose that theme? Because in Sanggar Unit Tales and Lebak, there are still children and teenagers who are afraid or lack self-confidence. Through this event, we ask our friends, brother, and sister to stop not being confident because we are talented and useful,”. Meanwhile, Chansa delivered her speech: “As we know, many children from underprivileged families receive little attention because the family is busy with their daily work. We, as children, need attention and love. We hope that through this children’s day, the family cares for their children. The community must also take responsibility for the children’s wellbeing.(Mahrawi)

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