Covid 19 and Children In Surabaya

The Covid-19 has spread around the world including Indonesia. In Indonesia, corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) detected on 2 March 2020 after a dance instructor and her mother tested positive for the virus. In the next month, April, the pandemic had spread to all 34 provinces in the country. Jakarta, Central Java and East Java are the worst-hit provinces. Surabaya is  the largest increase of the virus in East Java. Large-scale social restriction (PSBB) in East Java was approved on 21 April 2020 by the Minister of Health for Surabaya the two neinghbouring regencies namely Sidoarjo Regencey and Gresik Regency.

On 17 September 2020, 13,410 cases were announced. At most 11,150 recoveries and 1,006 died. Until June, there were 700 children had effected of Covid 19 pandemic.

Because there is no vaccine available, the government of Indonesia is relying on physical to slow down the spread of the virus. The government bans on group and crowd gathering and the closure of school, factories, and public spaces. With that situation, there are workers are fired. Informal workers lost their job. Poverty is everywhere. Children are studying from home due to covid 19. The school opens online class in order the children can study with their teacher. Unfortunately, there are students that do not study because there is no internet access. Besides that, the parents can not accompany their children when they study at home.

Indonesia has 80 million children (approximately 30 percent it population). The children will be second risk of the virus. Covid 19 will be impact of children mental health, psychology, and learning, childcare and safety.

Based on that situation, Sanggar Merah Merdeka, one of the division of Kasih Bangsa Foundation of Surabaya provides a place for washing and spraying disinfectants in the residence of the child, carrying out gymnastics to increase immunity, procurement and distribution of personal protection equipment (PPE), masks, face shields, distribution basic necessities to family of Tales, Wonokromo and Labak Arum, Tambaksari and poor school of elementary school of Margo Rukun

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